Monday, November 18, 2013

what puzzles me...

what is puzzling me at the moment is how am i going to situate my self after being st home for 17 years and as my last year of high school draws to a closing how will i sustain myself as an adult. As a fellow teen i often hear from my friend" i cant wait to leave my parents house and go to college". But if you really think about it i am sure the majority of us are struggling with the idea that it will get hard when we leave the house and live on our own.

i for one never wanting to leave my home because it is a place where i feel comfortable and safe. but now come June i have to leave to go to Boston. I don't know how it will happen but all i know is i will get accepted to the school and be in Boston going to a music college. the calling with it is that i don't know how i will pay for the tuition and all of the other things that come with the school.

in my opinion even though it will be a huge shift for me to go to college let done going to a new state, i know that i will be able to sustain my self because i have been brought up in a household that has given me a foundation sufficient enough to live an adult life.

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