Wednesday, November 27, 2013

exit ticket 11-27-13

yes i do know enough to ask a question about the topic i am researching. In my opinion, i can write a question bout this subject because there are two sides to the topic of genetic engineering.. ethical and improvement.

Wednesday, November 20, 2013

exit ticket 11/20/13

what do i already know or what do i think i know about this topic?

From my prior knowledge of this topic, genetic engineering is a fairly new science and very controversal pertaining to the area of human rights. some people believe it is unethilical to splice human dna and improve it. it is a fragile subject for those people that are rooted in religion because they believe it is   against the natural existence   and it is a representation that man can somewhat have power over death or life.

Monday, November 18, 2013

exit ticket


the topic of genetic engineering interests me heavily because it leads to so many questions pertaining to how much the human body can really handle and what can be added to it to improve it and advance it. One example would be the area of stem cell research. With the advancements of stem research people can get transplants and have no risk of rejection because it is a clone of the cells in the organ.

what puzzles me...

what is puzzling me at the moment is how am i going to situate my self after being st home for 17 years and as my last year of high school draws to a closing how will i sustain myself as an adult. As a fellow teen i often hear from my friend" i cant wait to leave my parents house and go to college". But if you really think about it i am sure the majority of us are struggling with the idea that it will get hard when we leave the house and live on our own.

i for one never wanting to leave my home because it is a place where i feel comfortable and safe. but now come June i have to leave to go to Boston. I don't know how it will happen but all i know is i will get accepted to the school and be in Boston going to a music college. the calling with it is that i don't know how i will pay for the tuition and all of the other things that come with the school.

in my opinion even though it will be a huge shift for me to go to college let done going to a new state, i know that i will be able to sustain my self because i have been brought up in a household that has given me a foundation sufficient enough to live an adult life.

Sunday, November 3, 2013


From as long as i could remember music has been apart of my life my mother sang all the time in the house and me always using an instrument whether it be stringed or not. Over the years i have seen how music has effected my learning capabilities and listening skills as i get older. Music has been the primary way in which I learn material for school and retain certain things in my general day by day life.

In one of my classes i had to create a project based on a certain topic in English and i didn't know what to do at first. seeing that i considered myself a musician i asked the teacher that instead of preforming a skit can i create an original song because the unit on poetry was difficult. so what i did to learn the whole unit was write a song describing each unit. it was interesting to see that other aspect of my education can be over comed by the power of music.

In closing i believe i am a musical learner because when i see a problem wether it be math, science, history or english i can almost always find a way to relate it to music thus making it much easier on me because i am familiar with concepts in music.